Sweet Success with Cancer Council SA: Sugary Drinks

03 May 2023 | Partners

It can be done! Sugary drinks are one of the worst things for our kids’ teeth.

It was inspiring to hear UK Professor Malcolm Clark speak at Cancer Council SA this week about his success stories, including developing the policy of taxing sugary drinks in the UK and how this resulted in the big brands dramatically cutting their sugar content to avoid the tax.

Daniel Coro also launched his research into the amount of junk food advertising our kids see near and on the way to school, here in Adelaide.

Australian Dental Foundation is proud to continue our partnership with Cancer Council SA to reduce the amount of sugar hitting our kids’ teeth. We worked together on the attached poster and we support the Council’s policy initiatives on healthy eating.

Pictured are Australian Dental Foundation’s Shauna Black with Malcolm, right, and Daniel, as well as Amy Graham and her sons Darcy, Flynn and Blake, who were also there to support healthy food options.

If you would like a copy of the poster, please contact us via www.dentalfoundation.org.au

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