Australian Dental Foundation at the Royal Adelaide Show 2023

18 August 2023 | Events

The Australian Dental Foundation is very excited to present our NEW toothbrush and Toothpaste range at the Royal Adelaide Show.  We recently handed out 20,000 of the new toothbrushes as part of the Yellow Brick Road atthe Royal Adelaide Show and ADF chairman Dr Greg Miller said the response had been overwhelming.

“People were genuinely pleased that there is now a choice that meets health guidelines and keeps the profits here to benefit Australians,” Dr Miller said. “We’ve also priced these products to make them affordable for everyone and competitive with the other major brands.”

Thank you to everyone who visited our stand – we look forward to seeing you again next year!

Hear Dr Greg Miller’s chat on ABC Radio Adelaide’s ‘What Ails You’ segment, at the 2023 Adelaide Royal Show.

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